About Westview Elementary

Westview Elementary School is designed to provide educational opportunities for students in third, fourth, and fifth grade. Children residing in Branchwood, Brandywine Apartments, Camelot, Crowfield Plantation (with the exception of the Hamlets), Foxborough, Pineview, Ryan's Creek, and Shannon Park attend Westview Elementary School.
Special library classes, music education, physical education, and art are provided weekly by certified teachers. For students who qualify, special education services are available for the hearing impaired, orthopedically handicapped, and learning disabled. In addition, speech therapy is provided on a referral basis, and a school nurse is present daily.
All teachers at Westview Elementary have at least a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited four-year college and all are fully certified by the State Department of Education. Many faculty members hold a Master's Degree and six are National Board Certified.
The Westview faculty and staff places greatest emphasis on developing within the student the enjoyment of learning and the desire to continue the educational process in and out of the classroom. In addition to this, it is believed that the student must be assisted in developing an accurate and healthy self-concept by promoting the development of such qualities as cooperation, self-confidence, and leadership. We believe that these developments are by-products of a sound academic program of reading, language arts, fine arts, math, and science. It is with these beliefs that we undertake each school year.
Since our school opened in 1974, the students, parents, faculty, and staff have earned a tradition of pride and excellence. The Westview School community expects and receives quality educational services. Much of this credit duly rests with an active community of parents who have played a vital role as Parent Teacher Association officers and members, as School Improvement Council members, as volunteer aides, and as advocates for the Westview boys and girls. With such support, it is easier to meet the high standards set by the school community.